2023 Projects

Title Project Type
Data or Report Link
Afidopyropen/Sunflower Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13537
Clethodim/Olive Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13451
Clethodim/Rice Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13184
Quinclorac/Peach Performance Program IR-4 Project 12572
Fluazasulfuron/Peach Performance Program IR-4 Project 13323
Cymoxanil/Strawberry Performance Program IR-4 Project 13256
Isocyloseram/Pomegranate Performance Program IR-4 Project 13504
Grape Leafhopper Control Integrated Solutions Grape Leafhopper IS00376
Weeds in Date Palm Integrated Solutions Date Palm Weeds IS00393
Weeds in Wild Rice Integrated Solutions Wild Rice Weeds IS00402
Navel Orange Worm in Almond Integrated Solutions Almond NOW IS00405
Black Fly in Fig Integrated Solutions Fig Black Fly IS00406
Thrips in Organic Tomatoes Integrated Solutions Thrips Tomatoes IS00415 The olive fruit fly maggots feed on the inside of the fruit, allowing secondary bacteria and fungi to enter and cause fruit rot that degrades the quality of olive oil.  This study assesses performance of conventional and biological insecticides to control olive fruit fly in California olive orchards.  Project is complete.
Olive fruit fly in olive Integrated Solutions Olive fruit fly IS00423 The olive fruit fly maggots feed on the inside of the fruit, allowing secondary bacteria and fungi to enter and cause fruit rot that degrades the quality of olive oil.  This study assesses performance of conventional and biological insecticides to control olive fruit fly in California olive orchards.  Project is complete.
Pomegranate Citrus flatmite Integrated Solutions Pomegranate citrus flatmite IS00437
Crinivirus and mosaic virus in melon Integrated Solutions Melon virus IS00432
Eriophyid Mites in Agave Environmental Horticulture Project Ongoing