CDFA Funded Project Status
2021 Projects
Title | Project Type |
Data or Report Link |
Abstract |
Cherry pre-harvest disease control | Food Use Residue | IR-4 Project 13141 | The Syngenta product Orondis (oxathiapiprolin) was selected for prioritization at the IR4 Food Use Workshop for a residue study to address the growers needs for pre-harvest disease control in cherries. Three trials were conducted in California, two by UC researchers and one with a private contractor under the EPA guidelines for residue. All trials and the subsequent residue sample analysis have been completed and the data will be sent to the EPA to obtain a new registration for cherries. The final report to EPA is available upon request. |
Orange naval worm control in fig | Food Use Residue | IR-4 Project 12898 | The Corteva product Intrepid (methoxyfenozide) was prioritized and selected for IR4 residue trials on fig. Following EPA guidelines for residue research five residue trials were conducted in California with UC field researchers. Four field trials are completed and one is in progress. Samples will be analyzed and results will be summarized to be submitted to the EPA for registration on fig. Once complete, the final report to EPA will be available upon request. |
Kiwi weed control | Food Use Residue | IR-4 Project 12933 | To control weeds in kiwifruit, the BASF product Rely (glufosinate) was prioritized and selected for IR4 residue trials. Following EPA guidelines for residue research five residue trials were conducted in California, four with UCD field researchers and one with a private contractor. All trials are completed, and samples are in the process of being analyzed. These will be summarized and submitted to the EPA for registration on kiwi. When complete, the final report to EPA will be available upon request. |
Grape leafhopper | Integrated Solutions | Grape Leafhopper | In response to California growers’ need for control of leafhopper in grapes, especially organic options for wine grapes, this Integrated Solutions project tests the efficacy of several different products, biopesticides and conventional for efficacy on the Virginia Creeper leafhopper. Trials are ongoing in California. |
Table grape bud break regulation | Integrated Solutions | Grape bud break | Grape growers in California need a less toxic alternative to Dormex, which is the only currently registered product for bud break regulation in table grapes. This project tests the efficacy and crop safety of other potential products for registration. Four trials were conducted in California. Two have been completed and two are ongoing. |
Tomato orobanche weed | Integrated Solutions | Tomato orobanche report year 2 | The problem of broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) a parasitic plant has been growing in California processing tomato fields. A second year of funding for this Integrated Solutions project was conducted at UC Davis for crop safety and in a grower field for efficacy. All trials are complete. |