2024 Projects

Title Project Type
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Fluopicolide/Cherry Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13281 Phytophthora species can cause root and crown rot in cherry orchards. Fluopicolide is an alternative to fumigation, can be used after planting and in rotation with other fungicides to mitigate resistance.
Clethodim/Fig Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13740 The fig industry currently lacks effective herbicides to manage weeds. Clethodim is a postemergence herbicide effective against annual and perennial grasses.
Clethodim/Rice Food Use Residue IR-4 Project 13184 Red rice, aka weedy rice is very difficult to control in high value California rice stands due to it’s similar genetic nature to the rice varieties grown in California as well as it’s herbicide resistance to currently registered materials. Clethodim has been shown to be effective as a spot treatment in field trials. This request will provide label expansion to include clethodim as a spot treatment for weedy rice.
Pyraflufen-Ethyl/Onion (Dry Bulb) Performance Program IR-4 Project 13642 Dacthal used to be highly effective against annual weeds prior to onion planting. This material is no longer available for use, therefore an alternative is needed. Although Pyraflufen-ethyl is not a direct alternative given it’s use pattern, the material could be utilized as an option. Efficacy and crop safety data is needed prior to registrant’s approval for residue.
Agave Pre and Post Herbicides Integrated Solutions Agave Herbicides IS00468 Agave, grown for producing distilled spirits, is an emerging crop in the CA landscape due in large part to its low need for water. There are no herbicides registered on agave; therefore, these studies are intended to evaluate both pre- and postemergence herbicides for crop safety and efficacy in agave fields.
Weeds in Date Palm Integrated Solutions Date Palm Weeds IS00393 CA is the top producer of dates in the US, followed by AZ. Only five herbicides are registered in dates, and growers rely heavily on glyphosate for weed management. To mitigate resistance and reduce dependency on glyphosate, five additional materials are being evaluated for efficacy and crop safety in date palms in Southern CA.
Botrytis Management in Strawberry Integrated Solutions Strawberry Botrytis IS00355 Fungicide resistance is of great concern when managing Botrytis in strawberry. This study is evaluating numerous products for Botrytis management.
Plant Bug/Leaf Bug in Almond Integrated Solutions Almond Bugs IS00448 Leaffooted bugs and brown marmorated stinkbugs cause significant loss to yield and economic damage in almonds. This study is intended to evaluate biological and organic alternatives for use in rotation or in place of conventional materials.
Black Fly in Fig Integrated Solutions Fig Black Fly IS00406 Black Fig Fly, a common pest in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, is a new, exotic species in CA. Little information exists regarding management strategies. This study is intended to determine potential management options for fig growers.
Crinivirus and mosaic virus in melon Integrated Solutions Melon virus IS00432 Criniviruses and mosaic viruses are of great concern to the CA melon industry. Currently the only form of management is to control vectors with neonicotinoid insecticides, and these materials are only marginally effective. This study aims to prime plant defenses with chitin/chitosan-based inducers.
Leafhopper in Tomato Integrated Solutions Leafhopper in Tomato IS00462

Beet leafhoppers are a serious pest in tomatoes due to their ability to transmit curly-top virus. These studies intend to evaluate several insecticides for efficacy and crop safety.

Eriophyid Mites on Agave Environmental Horticulture Project Ongoing Eriophyid mites are increasingly becoming a major problem for ornamental agave plants grown in arid environments such as Southern California. This project tests the efficacy and crop safety of new active ingredient formulations and new biopesticides to combat this pest.
Effects of Thrips Materials on Beneficial Mites Environmental Horticulture Project Ongoing Western flower thrips are one of most economically significant pests for horticultural crops worldwide. Management strategies include chemical control and predatory mites but little is known about susceptibility of the beneficial mites to insecticides used to control thrips.  This project tests the lethality of biopesticide and conventional chemical treatments on two common greenhouse beneficials.